Register New

Click above to register for the tournament.


All fish must be weighed in at one of our official weigh stations by 5pm on Sunday, July 26th.

All official weigh in results will be collected on Monday and winners will be posted to the website on Tuesday.

All prizes will be mailed to winners on Tuesday.

Registration fee is $20.00 per fisherman. You can register here by paypal or check or money order.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners of each category, Sea Robin, Skate or Dogfish. Prizes are awarded to heaviest, second heaviest and third heaviest fish of each category for a total of 9 cash prizes available. Each winner will receive a flag in their respective category, a t-shirt, and a sticker as well as their cash prize.

Only species of Skate will be weighed. Barndoor, clearnose, little, thorny, etc. No species of rays are eligible. No exceptions.

90% of entrance fees will go towards cash prizes. 10% of fees will be donated to Reclam the Bay – the organization striving to educate us on our marine environments, and how to sustain them.

Each angler may weigh in their largest fish, in each category, therefor each angler may submit an entry for each species.

We request that you do not waste the fish. Go here to see the recipe section and after having your fish weighed, please try to consume it.

You may fish the ocean, bay, puddle or pond. You may fish by boat, the surf, a bridge, or hand glider. All weigh ins must be caught that day, and not frozen previously. Thermal ionic detectors will be present at each station.

You must submit an email address upon registration.

You will be emailed a registration confirmation. If you are paying by check or money order, please give an email address. If you do not have one, please include your mailing address and you will receive written confirmation.

Click here to see a list of registered weigh stations.